Vol. 12 No. 4 (2023)
Penerapan konsep triple helix pendidikan berbasis komunikasi profetik di Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
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Refleksi pemikiran Muhammad Abduh dalam pembaruan pendidikan Islam
This article have been read 564 times, downloaded 753 times PDF
Pengembangan epistemologi kaum intelektual muslim
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Konsep persiapan karir dalam pendidikan anak perspektif Abdullah Nashih Ulwan
This article have been read 323 times, downloaded 393 times PDF
Dinamika regulasi sekolah berstandar internasional di Indonesia
This article have been read 363 times, downloaded 484 times PDF
Penggunaan media visual berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar Fiqih pada siswa di MTs
This article have been read 623 times, downloaded 632 times PDF