Harta Bersama Menurut Hukum Islam dan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia


  • Kholil Nawawi UIKA Bogor


Abstract: Every marriage has brought wealth and acquired prior to the marriage of each spouse party. Average property together in marriage or the so-called property prices along Gono gini is generated through syirkah or cooperation between husband and wife. The scholars have different opinions about this, but the majority say as shirkah Abdan. When divorce occurs, then do the division of property together with an agreed manner.

Keywords: Assets Together, Islamic Law, Positive Law




How to Cite

Nawawi, K. (2017). Harta Bersama Menurut Hukum Islam dan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia. MIZAN, 1(1), 20. Retrieved from http://360665.5mvk4.group/index.php/MIZAN/article/view/377